A mysterious murder

Expressions utiles:
I can see : je vois
There is + singulier : il y a
There are + pluriel : il y a
pour décrire une image avec précision:
at the top: en haut
at the bottom: en bas
on the left: Ã gauche
on the right: Ã droite
in the middle: au milieu
Rappel: j'utilise le présent BE+ING pour décrire ce que font les personnages
ex: He is investigating.
(to) investigate: enquêter
a footprint / a fingerprint: une empreinte de pied / une empreinte digitale
a gun : un pistolet
a bullet: une balle
blood: le sang
(to) bleed, bled, bled: saigner
crime tape
chalk line

Emettre des hypothèses
Why was Brian killed?
Maybe he was about to reveal something in his article...
Maybe he had a fight with his neighbours...
Maybe his wife killed him...
Who is Jack?
And who is the informer?
Who are the annoying neighbours?
Let's investigate !

Let's make a list of suspects !
Megan O'Neill
She is missing : was she kidnapped? Did she kill her husband and run away?

Jack Reaper
Did he shoot his friend and colleague in the head?

The informer
Did he decide to kill the journalist?

the annoying neighbours
Did Kat Perry kill Brian? Or maybe it was Ryan Bosling?

Suspects and alibis : what were they doing when the crime took place?
Dire ce que les suspects faisaient au moment du crime.

Kat Perry was watching TV.
Ryan Bosling was chatting on the phone.

Some clues were found :
- footprints in the victim's apartment : small size, probably the footprints of a short person.
- a gun, but no fingerprints.
- the victim's personal planner.
- Ryan Bosling heard a gunshot.
- Jack Ripper had dinner with Jack. When he left, he saw someone in the hall. This person was smoking.

Décrire un suspect : dire ce qu'il portait au moment du crime.



Let's solve the crime !
Investigators Julie Logan, Amy Jones and Duncan Frost are trying to gather all the information they have collected so far. Oops, they must be tired because they made a mistake somewhere and they also forgot one piece of information!

Look, Detective Logan received a letter when she came back home! Who can it be from? Can you guess what it says?
So, who sent the letter? Julie Logan is pretty sure that there is an encrypted message in it. 22 Read the letter carefully and help her out!
Tip: Pay attention to the sender’s job. It may help you decipher the secret message!

Detective Logan went to the street indicated in Megan O’Neill’s message. Oh look, there’s a tape here! But... Oh no! It’s all ruined! Someone must have found it before she did... Who can it be? She tried to repair it back at home.
Listen to what it says and see if you can still hear something.

Invent the front and back cover for a dectective story.
The front cover (la couverture) :
Be as creative as you want : drawing, pictures, collages, etc
Show the title of your story, and your name (the author)
The illustration(s) have to be logically linked to your story
The back cover (la quatrième de couverture) :
There must be your summary (résumé, attention à conserver le suspense pour donner au lecteur l'envie de lire votre histoire !)
You can include other illustrations
Repeat your name and the title
You can also add a publishing house name, a bar code/price, etc to make your work more realistic
